JerseyClicks is New Jersey's statewide portal that features federated searching of the statewide full-text databases offered by the New Jersey State Library. This resource offers keyword and custom searching of databases through a federated search. These high quality databases cover subjects such as health, history, business, education, science, current events, literature, and popular fiction. The suite also includes Informe, a Spanish language full-text database.

Issues & Controversies in American History
Issues & Controversies in American History delivers dynamic, concise, and balanced coverage that provides the background, outcome, and contemporary points of view for every major debate and conflict in American history. Presented in a pro/con format that clearly explains both sides of the historical dispute, each article is supported by a timeline and a wealth of primary sources.

Hoopla is a digital content provider of music, e-books, audiobooks, movies, comics, and television, with currently more than 400,000 titles available across these formats. Library patrons have access to all content instantly without having to place a hold or wait for a title to become available.
Registration is required. You will need your Library Card number and PIN code in order to register for an account. Users are allowed five checkouts per month. This service is provided via our membership in LMxAC.

Great Websites for Kids
Great Websites for Kids is a compilation of exemplary websites geared to children from birth to age 14. Suggested sites are evaluated by the Great Websites for Kids Committee using established selection criteria. The committee is made up of members of the Association for Library Service to Children, a division of the American Library Association.

eLibraryNJ provides free downloadable eBooks and Audiobooks with your Library Card and PIN code! (You will need to choose "Libraries of Middlesex Automation Consortium" as your library - you will not see Perth Amboy in the list of options) Mobile App is available!

Driving Tests.org
Driving Tests.org provides Driver's Education containing the following state-specific information:Ten (10) car practice tests Six (6) motorcycle practice tests Three (3) Commercial Driver's License (CDL) practice tests Three (3) online driver's manuals (car, motorcycle, CDL) An FAQ section with detailed answers to 100+ DMV-related questions

Chelsea House Biographies
Chelsea House Biographies A one-stop online resource for all the biography needs of middle and high school students, or anyone interested in discovering the lives of fascinating people. Featuring full-length biographies from Chelsea House, the leading publisher of biographies for the school and library market, this award-winning content is the ideal length for book reports at 100+ pages and perfect for student research.

Bloom's Literature
Bloom's Literature A comprehensive resource for the study of literature. Edited and curated by Yale University professor Harold Bloom, this database includes thousands of critical essays and discussion questions, plus author biographies and character analyses, full-length poems, the full text of hundreds of reference books, full-length videos of classic plays and films, and more.

Ancient and Medieval History
Ancient and Medieval History thorough coverage of world history from prehistory through the mid-1500s, with special Topic Centers on key civilizations and regions, including the ancient Near East, ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, ancient Rome, ancient and medieval Africa, ancient and medieval Asia, the Americas, medieval Europe, and the Islamic World. Each civilization's history is brought to life through articles, videos and slideshows, primary sources, and more.

American Indian History
American Indian History Offers fast access to more than 15,000 years of culture and history, covering more than 600 Native American groups, through tablet/mobile-friendly videos and slideshows, images, biographies of key people, event and topic entries, primary sources, maps and graphs, and timelines. This comprehensive database allows for an interactive, multifaceted look at the indigenous peoples of the Americas.

American History Online
American History Online An indispensable resource for student research. Spanning our nation's history—from prehistory to the present day—American History was developed and curated by leading editors and scholars in the study of American history. It is composed of a variety of learning assets, including articles, images, primary source documents, timelines, videos, and slideshows.

African American History Online
African American History Online Covering more than 500 years of the African-American experience, African-American History offers a fresh way to explore the full spectrum of African-American history and culture, with tablet/mobile-friendly videos and slideshows, images, biographies of key people, event and topic entries, primary sources, maps and graphs, and timelines.